Since January 2025, two new postdoctoral fellows have joined our group

The first is Adriana Pisarčíková. She studied astronomy and astrophysics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, and completed her PhD in the spring of 2024. She then continued her research on spectral characterization of meteoroids at her home university. At the same time, she succeeded with her project in a competition within the European MERIT program, which is run by the Central Bohemian Innovation Centre. This project will fund her 2.5-year stay in our group. Her main research focuses on the analysis of meteor spectra and the improvement of meteor spectroscopy methods using laboratory simulated meteors to determine the composition and distribution of meteoroids in the Solar System.
The other new postdoc is Gabriel Borderes Motta. He has a PhD in physics from the State University of São Paulo, where he specialized in orbital dynamics with a focus on the behavior of objects around irregular bodies. His first postdoctoral position was at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he worked on the FET Open E.T.Pack project. From 2022 to 2024 he contributed to the study of space debris tracking and meteoroid evolution as a postdoctoral researcher at the Swedish Institute for Space Physics. His research expertise focuses on orbital dynamics, using N-body simulations and advanced techniques such as Poincaré Surface Sections to investigate complex dynamical systems. Last year, he was successful in a competition for a postdoctoral position in a Czech Science Foundation project entitled Detailed insight into the properties of meteor showers, whose principal investigator is Jiří Borovička. He will work on meteor stream dynamics for two years.
We welcome both new employees to our team. We believe that they will successfully contribute to our work and that they will enjoy their stay with us. At the same time, we would like to thank Marko Šegon, a PhD student at the MFF UK, whose contract ended at the end of last year. However, we are not completely parting ways with him as we continue to work with him as he completes his PhD thesis on cometary bolide spectroscopy.