The Meteor Physics Group organized the International Meteor Conference 2024

From 19 to 22 September, the Meteor Physics Group organized the International Meteor Conference 2024 in Kutná Hora. The conference was attended by hundreds of professional and amateur astronomers involved in meteor research, with some lectures devoted to other nearby fields. Most of them came from Europe, but there were also participants from Canada, the United States, Japan and Australia. The conference was held in hybrid mode, with another 40 participants joining online.
More than 50 talks were given and nearly 20 posters were presented. The conference was hosted in the pleasant surroundings of the Mědínek Hotel, where most of the participants stayed. The accompanying programme included a tour of the historic city centre led by professional guides, with some participants going underground as part of another excursion. The IMC conference series began more than 40 years ago as friendly gatherings of amateur astronomers. Over time, they have grown into professional conferences, with equal representation of amateur and professional astronomers and very high quality technical papers. This year was the 43rd time the conference was held, but it was the very first time in the Czech Republic!
The local organizing team consisted of:
David Čapek, Tomáš Henych, Pavel Koten, Lukáš Shrbený, Vlastimil Vojáček a Hana Zichová
Local Organizing Committee (LOC): Vlastimil Vojáček, Tomáš Henych, Hana Zichová, Pavel Koten, Lukáš Shrbený, David Čapek