Minutes from the meeting of the Organizing Committee of the IAU
Commission 22 held in Baltimore on July 17, 2008
Present: P. Spurný (president), J. Watanabe (vice-president), J.
Borovička (secretary), P. Brown, G. Consolmagno, P. Jenniskens, H. Yano
Absent: J. Baggaley, A. Pellinen-Wannberg, V. Porubčan, I. Williams
1. Commission report
President of the Commission informed that he already submitted the
report of Commission activities to the Division President. After an
e-mail discussion, the report was prepared in a shorter form,
concentrating on Commission activities and not compiling all scientific
results in the field. The report will be published in the triennial IAU
Transactions XXVIIA, Reports on Astronomy 2006-2009.
In addition, the Division President asked for one scientific highlight
of the last period. The Organizing Committee decided to nominate the
Carancas meteorite impact and all scientific work connected with this
extraordinary event.
2. Future vice-president of the Commission
After the IAU General Assembly in 2009, J. Watanabe will become the new
president of Commission 22 (possibly joined with Commission 21). It is
a tradition that the outgoing president proposes the new
vice-president. P. Spurný proposed P. Jenniskens as the new
vice-president for the period 2009-2012. The present OC members
approved unanimously this proposal. The absent OC members were informed
about it immediately after the meeting and nobody was against. The new
president, vice-president and OC members will be formally elected
during the GA.
3. IAU General Assembly in 2009
P. Spurný informed that he will probably not be able to attend the next
IAU General Assembly in Rio de Janeiro in August 2009. J. Watanabe and
other OC members (P. Jenniskens, J. Borovička, etc.) agreed to take
care about the Commission 22 business meeting there.
4. Conference on Bolides and Meteorite Falls
All Commission members are invited to the Conference on Bolides and
Meteorite Falls to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, on May 10-15,
2009 (see www.bolides09.com).
The last business meeting of the Commission 22 Organizing Committee
before the General Assembly will be held there as well.