List of versions

of the database of video records of the 2013 Chelyabinsk superbolide.

Version 2
(2016 February 22)
Changes made from version 1:
    New videos: 971-983
    Coordinates added for videos: 340, 359, 360, 365-369, 371, 373, 374, 376, 377, 379-383, 392, 477, 480, 494, 496, 498, 501, 876
    Coordinates corrected for videos: 46, 50, 68, 780
    New (duplicate) links added to videos: 365, 381, 780, 904
    Details (description, time of interest etc.) modified for videos: 374, 376, 382, 392, 477, 480, 498, 780

Version 1
(2015 September 10)
Initial version, identical to the published paper.
Changes made from version 0.5:
    New videos: 957-970
    Deleted videos: 55 (was identical to 56), 127 (=126), 287 (=286), 295 (=87), 533 (=534), 687 (was related to 688), 749 (~750), 779 (=778), 854 (=677), 936 (=835)
    Coordinates added for videos: 294, 296-300, 302, 304, 306, 307, 309, 311-314, 316, 317, 319, 320, 322, 323, 325-327, 334, 336-339, 341-343, 345-348, 350, 354, 356, 357, 384, 385, 388, 389, 391, 394, 397, 399-401, 502, 853, 869, 870, 872, 873, 881, 882
    Coordinates corrected for video: 81
    New (duplicate or related) links added to videos: 51, 56, 87, 126, 295, 307, 534, 594, 677, 688, 750, 778, 853, 870
    Details (description, time of interest etc.) modified for videos: 295, 307, 317, 336, 339, 342, 343, 391, 436, 603, 604, 688, 735, 853, 870, 873
Version 0.5
(2015 May 29)
Corrected pre-publication version submitted to the journal.

Version 0

(2015 April 27)
Pre-publication version for discussion among co-authors of the paper.

When the database is updated and a new version is released, we will list here the changes made and the added videos (changes to version 0 will not be listed).

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